
Commissioner at the Forum about the role of independent and regulatory bodies

In our society, we have a problem with misunderstanding and misinterpretation of independent institutions, as the instruments which should help the National Parliament and it also seems that MPs don’t understand how important mechanism they have available, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the forum “Independent and regulatory bodies – why they…

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Commissioner: “Integration of persons with disabilities is necessary in all areas of society”

The attitude towards vulnerable groups reflects the achieved level of respect for human rights and progress of every society, said the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, at the Central Celebration “For Life without Barriers”, which was organized by Hendi Center Koloseum. She reminded that for years now, disability has been among the most…

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Commissioner at “Academy of Democracy”

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic welcomed the initiative of Center for Research, Transparency and Responsibility (CRTA) that organizes programs for young students, journalists, youth in political parties and civil society activists, with support of OSCE Mission in Serbia, which provide them opportunity to learn about functioning of independent institutions in Serbia and their…

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Exchange of views between Commissioner and famous men about the influence of culture to perception of women in the society

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic led a session “How may culture influence the perception of women in the society?”, held in Gallery of Matica Srpska in Novi Sad in cooperation with British Council and Gallery of Matica Srpska. Four influential men, President of Provincial Government Igor Mirovic, Ambassador of Great Britain Denis Keefe,…

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Commissioner at Parliamentary Board on the occasion of International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Position of persons with disabilities and attitude of the society toward them remains unsatisfactory, despite the progress, as evidenced also by Commissioner’s practice in which disability has been a leading ground of discrimination in complaints for years now, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the session of the Board on Labor, Social…

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Meeting of Commissioner Jankovic and USAID representative

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic met with director of USAID Office for Democratic and Economic Growth Laura Pavlovic to discuss the extension of cooperation through projects for protection and improvement of equality, with aim to suppress stereotypes and raise awareness of the harmfulness of discrimination. It was stressed, during the meeting, that accent…

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Commissioner at the international victimology conference

Gender based violence and hate crime are types of violence which are dominantly rooted and hardest to combat, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the opening of international conference “New and old forms of victimization: Challenges for victimology theory and practice”, organized by Victimology Society of Serbia. Commissioner stated that the roots…

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Commissioner on inclusion of women in security and defense sector

Despite deeply rooted stereotypes and prejudices and thanks to clear political will, engagement of state bodies, but also to activism of civil society organizations and academic community, the first NAP was successfully ended in security sector, stressed Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the presentation of results of project “Go Forward”, which was…

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It is not important where you live, but how you live and what is the quality of your life, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the closing conference of the project “Improvement of Economic and Social Position of Women in Rural Areas in Sumadija and Kolubara Districts”. She stressed that improvement of…

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Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic gave lecture at the seminar “Judicial Civil Legal Protection” dedicated to judges of civil departments of higher courts in Serbia. Stressing that the acting of courts is of outmost importance for adequate implementation of non-discrimination regulations, Jankovic stated that Commissioner for Protection of Equality has mechanisms which allow…

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