Commissioner’s lecture at the Fourth Old Age Fair

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, delivered  a speech launching a recital that marked the beginning of the Fourth Old Age Fair hosted at the Belgrade Fair.

Cross-generation cooperation and solidarity are not only part of what it means to be human, they constitute the fundamentals of every society including our own. Digital revolution has altered the world considerably, but not so much the role of cross-generation solidarity which constitutes the basis of a society where all generations understand each other and live harmoniously, said the Commissioner.

She stressed that this fair is a place which as many young people as possible should visit, since such events are, among other things, important for their future because they need to view aging and seniority with realism, with their hearts and minds open.

Republic of Serbia has established mechanisms for protection against discrimination, and we all have the right to use them, regardless of who discriminator may be and where discrimination may occur, said Commissioner Janovic, at the same time inviting our senior citizens to visit the stand of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, become acquainted with the term discrimination, learn how to detect it and to get information on  available anti-discrimination protection mechanisms.

Our legal team will be happy to meet you and help if you want to file a complaint with our institution, said Commissioner Janković giving floor to “Smilje” choir which artistically and artfully spoke volumes of equality and its meaning.

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