Conference and guide on the topic of discrimination against LGBTI persons in the labor market

The challenges of applying anti-discrimination regulations to improve the position of LGBTI persons in the labor market and the creation of an inclusive work environment with a focus on the current situation, as well as perspectives in Serbia, were the topics of the conference “Discrimination of LGBTI persons on the labor market in the Republic of Serbia – application of anti-discrimination regulations and the importance of inclusive working environment”, realized by alumni of the Chevening Scholarship with the support of the British Embassy in Serbia, the Chevening Scholarship Alumni Fund and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality.

The publication “Guide for the implementation of domestic anti-discrimination regulations to improve the position of LGBTI persons in the labor market in the Republic of Serbia” by Milan Antonijević and Aleksandar Mihajlović was also presented. In addition to reviewing domestic regulations with a focus on the mechanism of protection against discrimination before the Commissioner, this publication also presents examples of companies that apply inclusive labor policies in their work, as well as guidelines for preparing equality codes in companies.

A stimulating work environment in which diversity is respected contributes to better work results of each employee, and respect for the right to equality is precisely where there is interaction and connection between people. That is why our common goal is an inclusive labor market and an inclusive employment process where the principle of equal opportunities and the principle of equality apply without exception and regardless of the employee’s sex or gender, marital or family status, sexual orientation, age, skin color, nationality or any other another personal characteristic, Brankica Janković pointed out, in the introduction to the ” Guide for the implementation of domestic anti-discrimination regulations to improve the position of LGBTI persons in the labor market in the Republic of Serbia.”

The conference was held within the project “Empowering the LGBTI workforce in the Serbian labor market,” and the participants were greeted by the first secretary of the British Embassy, ​​William Hopkinson.

The guide can be downloaded at the following link:

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