IPA Project Team is seeking to recruit Non-Key Experts

Within the framework of the EU financed IPA project “Implementation of Anti-discrimination policies in Serbia”, the Project Team is seeking to recruit Non-Key Experts in order to implement three connected activities meant to strengthen institutional support to victims of discrimination. The three activitie are described in the Project TOR as follows:

Activity 2.6 – Design mechanism for provision of CSO information and feedback loop for assisting victims of discrimination. Prepare information package and conduct information sessions for CS0s. Prepare evaluation report on CSO involvement in monitoring ADL, with relevant recommendations.

Activity 2.7 – Develop, in a consultative process, training manual for CSOs for trainings for the provision of support to vulnerable groups on legal assistance in discrimination cases (CPE Office procedure, court procedure and ADR) comprising of manual for Training of Trainers (ToT) and manual for trainings. Design and implement trainings based on the ToT manual.

Activity 2.8 – Support CSOs which have passed through ToTs to organize further training sessions with other local level CSOs. Ensure ex ante and ex post evaluation of training results is prepared throughout the process.

Any qualified professional interested in applying should send a CV (in EU format only) no later than 4 April 2014 to mkoprivica@eptisa.com. Only selected individuals will be replied.


Terms of References for Senior Non-Key Expert

Information Coordinator (Activity 2.6)

The overall objective of TA Project

Increased ability of Serbia to implement human and minority rights, equality and non-discrimination.

The Project purpose

The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Office for Human and Minority Rights (OHMR) and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality (CPE) for more effective and efficient implementation of anti-discrimination policies in line with EU standards and best practices.

Description of the Position and Selection Criteria

The purpose of the assignment is to increase the capacities and resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and skills to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals. This objective will be achieved by delivering information sessions in 11 selected LSGs for CSOs operating at local level, preparing information package for CSOs, developing and discussing proposals of modalities of cooperation and partnership between the CPE and local CSOs, and preparing an evaluation report on CSO involvement in monitoring ADL, with relevant recommendations. The information sessions are planned to be held in 11 selected LSGs in the period 24 March – 30 June 2014.

In line with the expected result of the Activity 2.6, there is a need to select one non-key expert (at Senior level) to work in close cooperation with the CPE in preparing the information sessions, the LSGs’ profile report, the information package, and the modalities of cooperation between the CPE and local CSOs.

The candidates must possess the qualifications and skills as highlighted below.

Qualifications and skills

·        University degree in a relevant discipline, preferably law or political sciences

·        Fully computer literate (MSOffice applications)

·        Excellent command of spoken and written English and Serbian languages

·        Strong analytical skills and report writing abilities

·        Good interpersonal skills, clear communication and ability to establish working relationships with institutional stakeholders and civil society

General professional experience

Minimum ten years of professional experience in a relevant field

Experience in working in teams as well as independently

Specific professional experience

Experience in preparing reports on human rights issues

Relevant experience dealing with human rights issues, particularly tolerance and non-discrimination

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

Review and assess information needs of CSOs operating at local level based on desk research and direct communication with the CPE, the OHMR, the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) and the Office for the Cooperation with Civil Society. Prepare a brief report of a “profile” of each selected LSGs with details related to existing antidiscrimination policies and mechanisms at local level, including: basic statistical data about the LSG; its level of economic development; the national composition of the population; a presence of long-term disadvantage groups; local action plans in the relevant areas (antidiscrimination, human rights, youth, Roma, advancement of women/gender equality, refugees and IDPs, social protection, elderly, children); relevant local institutional antidiscrimination mechanisms; number of local CSOs dealing with preventing and combating discrimination, assisting and supporting victims of discrimination, minority CSOs, women’s groups, trade unions, etc.; key issues related to the position and challenges of local civil society. On basis of desk research and direct communication with the CPE, assess the resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and information to CSOs working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals, and propose modalities of strengthening their cooperation and partnership. On the basis of the assessment of the information needs of CSOs, and in close cooperation with the CPE and the Project Team, prepare an information package by selecting available materials, including the CPE Recommendations Prepare a list of CSOs to be invited to the information sessions in 11 selected LSGs. In close cooperation with the CPE and the Project Team, prepare the information session for CSOs, including the agenda, and facilitate the events, targeting at least 200 representatives of CSOs participating the events in total Prepare evaluation lists for the session participants Prepare and submit an evaluation report on CSO involvement in monitoring ADL, with relevant recommendations (in English and Serbian) Submit a report on the activity, including the evaluation and proposals for follow-ups, in particular with regard to the development of a model for future cooperation between the CPE and local CSOs (in English)


Information package, the information session’s agenda a list of CSOs to be invited to the event prepared and submitted by 18 April 2014 Reports on a profile of each selected LSGs with details related to existing antidiscrimination policies, and mechanisms and civil society at local level prepared and submitted by 30 April 2014 An assessment of the resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and information to CSOs working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals, including proposals of modalities  to strengthen their cooperation and partnership prepared and submitted by 31 May 2014 An evaluation report on CSO involvement in monitoring ADL, with relevant recommendations, prepared and submitted in Serbian and English by 30 June 2014. The report of the activity, including the evaluation and recommendations for follow ups, delivered in English by 15 July 2014

Project Inputs

A total of 20 working days (at Senior level) has been allocated for this position.


It is expected that the assignment will commence tentatively on 10 April 2014.


Terms of References for 2 Senior Non-Key Experts

ToT Expert (Activity 2.7)

The overall objective of TA Project

Increased ability of Serbia to implement human and minority rights, equality and non-discrimination.

The Project purpose

The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Office for Human and Minority Rights (OHMR) and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality (CPE) for more effective and efficient implementation of anti-discrimination policies in line with EU standards and best practices.

Description of the Position and Selection Criteria

The purpose of the assignment is to increase the capacities and resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and skills to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals. This objective will be achieved by preparing, in a consultative process, training manual for CSOs for trainings for the provision of support to vulnerable groups on legal assistance in discrimination cases, comprising of (1) a manual for ToT and (2) a manual for trainings, and by designing and delivering a ToT workshop in two slots to up to 40 civil society activists working at local level (Activity 2.7). While the manual for ToT will be of a distinct interactive nature and based on a methodology that focuses on developing training skills and enlisting samples, templates and other guidance material and tools useful for the organization of further workshops, the manual for trainings will focus on, inter alia, the principle of equality and non-discrimination, the principle of equal opportunities, discrimination as a social phenomenon, the causes (stereotypes, prejudices and how to handle them) and the consequences, discrimination as a legal term, forms of discrimination, anti-discrimination regulations and standards, elements for identifying discrimination, legal protection against discrimination, forms and shapes, the CPE and its roles and tasks, procedures, judicial protection against discrimination, forms of discrimination, prevention and protection against discrimination and measures and areas of intervention envisaged in the Antidiscrimination Strategy. The training resources will also include manuals already developed by the CPE.

In line with the expected result of the Activity 2.7, there is a need to select a non-key expert (at Senior level) to work in close cooperation with the CPE in preparing the outline of the ToT, its agenda and the manual, as well as the training manual for CSOs that will the selected ToT’s participants deliver in 11 selected LSGs subsequently in the later stage.

The candidates must possess the qualifications and skills as highlighted below.

Qualifications and skills

·        University degree in a relevant discipline, preferably law or political sciences

·        Fully computer literate (MSOffice applications)

·        Excellent command of spoken and written English and Serbian languages

·        Strong analytical skills and report writing abilities

·        Good interpersonal skills, clear communication and ability to establish working relationships with institutional stakeholders and civil society

General professional experience

Minimum ten years of professional experience in a relevant field

Experience in working in teams as well as independently

Specific professional experience

·        Practical experience in delivering interactive workshops in the area of human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination.

·        Relevant experience dealing with human rights issues, particularly tolerance and non-discrimination

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

In close consultation with the CPE and the Project Team, design and prepare the ToT workshop, including the agenda, a manual for ToT and a manual for trainings of CSOs, focusing on the available legal remedies and other instruments of legal protection against discrimination, prevention and protection against discrimination, together with the other ToT Non-Key Expert Design the training module on the available legal remedies and other instruments of legal protection against discrimination, prevention and protection against discrimination and including topics such as the principle of equality and non-discrimination, the principle of equal opportunities, discrimination as a social phenomenon, the causes (stereotypes, prejudices and how to handle them) and the consequences, discrimination as a legal term, shapes, forms, anti-discrimination regulations and standards, elements for identifying discrimination, legal protection against discrimination, forms and shapes, the Commissioner, roles and tasks, procedures, judicial protection against discrimination, forms of discrimination, etc. The ToT Manual will be of a distinct interactive nature and based on a methodology that focuses on developing training skills and enlisting samples, templates and other guidance material and tools that the trained trainers will utilize for the organization of further workshops at local level Prepare evaluation lists for the ToT participants Coordinate the preparation and the implementation of the ToTs Deliver the ToTs in two slots together with the Junior ToT Non-Key Expert Regularly update the Project Team on the activities Assist in selecting ToT workshops participants who will deliver training workshops for  selected CSOs active at local level Submit a report on the activity in English, including the evaluation of the ToT and proposals for follow-ups, as well as the ToTs outputs (agenda, materials, programme, manual, hand-outs) in English


Drafts of the ToT workshop programme, the agenda and the ToT manual prepared and submitted by 1 May 2014 The draft of the training module and the manual on the training of CSOs at local level submitted  by 1 May 2014 The final ToT workshop programme, the agenda and the ToT manual prepared and submitted by 20 May 2014 The final training module and the manual on the training at local level submitted  by 20 May 2014 Two 2-day ToT workshops for up to 40 participants from CSOs in total implemented by 30 June 2014 The report of the activity, including the evaluation, recommendations for follow-ups and the ToT training materials, in English to be delivered by 30 June 2014

Project Inputs

A total of 40 working days (at Senior level) has been allocated for these two positions.


It is expected that the assignment will commence tentatively on 10 April 2014.


Terms of References for Senior Non-Key Expert

Trainer (Activity 2.8)

The overall objective of TA Project

Increased ability of Serbia to implement human and minority rights, equality and non-discrimination.

The Project purpose

The purpose of the Project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Office for Human and Minority Rights (OHMR) and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality (CPE) for more effective and efficient implementation of anti-discrimination policies in line with EU standards and best practices.

Description of the Position and Selection Criteria

The purpose of the assignment is to increase the capacities and resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and skills to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals. This objective will be achieved by delivering three regional workshops for CSOs operating in 11 selected LSGs (Activity 2.8) on the basis of the training module and the manual for training CSOs operating at local level that were developed in the previous phase (Activity 2.7).

In line with the expect results of the Activity 2.8, there is a need to hire a non-key expert (at Senior level) to work in close cooperation with the CPE and trainers selected out of the Pool of Trainers established in the previous phase (Activity 2.7) in preparing three regional workshops for CSOs operating in 11 selected LSGs and to provide assistance and support to selected trainers in delivering the workshops for CSOs.

The candidates must possess the qualifications and skills as highlighted below.

Qualifications and skills

·        University degree in a relevant discipline

·        Fully computer literate (MSOffice applications)

·        Excellent command of spoken and written English and Serbian languages

·        Strong analytical skills and report writing abilities

·        Good interpersonal skills, clear communication and ability to establish working relationships with institutional stakeholders and civil society

General professional experience

Minimum ten years of professional experience in a relevant field

Experience in working in teams as well as independently

Specific professional experience

·        Experience in delivering training in the area of human rights and respect for equality

·        Relevant experience dealing with human rights issues, particularly tolerance and non-discrimination

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

Assist in preparing regional workshops for CSOs operating at local level in 11 selected LSGs Provide the support and assistance to selected trainers in delivering three regional workshops for CSOs Prepare evaluation lists for the workshop participants Submit a report on the activity in English, including the evaluation and proposals for follow-ups


Training material The report of the activity, including the evaluation and recommendations for follow ups, in English delivered by 30 September 2014

Project Inputs

A total of 20 working days (at Senior level) has been allocated for this position.


It is expected that the assignment will commence tentatively on 1 July 2014.


Terms of References for Junior Non-Key Expert

Trainer (Activity 2.8)

The overall objective of TA Project

Increased ability of Serbia to implement human and minority rights, equality and non-discrimination

The Project purpose

The purpose of the projects is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Office for Human and Minority Rights and the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality (CPE) for more effective and efficient implementation of anti-discrimination policies in line with EU standards and best practices.

Description of the Position and Selection Criteria

The purpose of the assignment is to increase human resources available to the CPE for transferring knowledge and skills to CSOs working to support and assist discriminated groups and individuals. This objective will be achieved by delivering three regional workshops for CSOs operating in 11 selected LSGs (Activity 2.8) on the basis of the training module and the manual developed in the previous phase (Activity 2.7).

In line with the expected result of the Activity 2.8, there is a need to hire a non-key expert (at Junior level) to work in close cooperation with the CPE and trainers selected out of the Pool of Trainers established in the previous phase (Activity 2.7) in preparing three regional workshops for CSOs operating in 11 selected LSGs and to provide assistance and support to selected trainers in delivering the workshops for CSOs.

The candidate must possess the qualifications and skills as highlighted below.

Qualifications and skills

·        University degree in a relevant discipline

·        Fully computer literate (MSOffice applications)

·        Excellent command of spoken and written English and Serbian languages

·        Strong analytical skills and report writing abilities

·        Good interpersonal skills, clear communication and ability to establish working relationships with institutional stakeholders

General professional experience

Minimum three years of professional experience in a relevant field

Experience in working in teams as well as independently

Specific professional experience

·        Experience in delivering training in the area of human rights and respect for equality

·        Relevant experience dealing with human rights issues, particularly tolerance and non-discrimination

Main Tasks and Responsibilities

Assist in preparing regional workshops for CSOs operating at local level in 11 selected LSGs Provide the support and assistance to trainers in delivering regional workshops for CSOs Submit a report on the activity in English, including the evaluation and proposals for follow-ups


Training material The report of the activity, including the evaluation and recommendations for follow ups, in English delivered by 30 September 2014

Project Inputs

A total of 20 working days (at Junior level) has been allocated for this position.


It is expected that the assignment will commence tentatively on 1 July 2014.

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