
Press release on the occasion of migrant and refugee children starting school in Serbia

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković  said that Serbia has demonstrated that it respects international laws and fosters values of human and tolerant society, but that there were individual instances of a lack of understanding and prejudices of parents whose children should attend school in Šid together with migrant and refugee children. Children…

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Commissioner Janković met with Bosnia and Herzegovina Ombudsman Ljubinko Mitrović

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković met with Ombudsman Ljubinko Mitrović from the Institution of the Ombudsmen for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both parties stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and good practices geared towards promoting equality and human rights. They also discussed pending cases before both institutions. This working meeting…

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Commissioner with representative of Parliamentary Committees for Defense and Internal Affairs and Parliamentary Committee for Security Services Civil Control

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality held a set of lectures at a seminar on cooperation between the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in the area of discrimination, with a special focus on the mandate of the Parliamentary Committee for Defense and…

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Commissioner for the Protection of Equality at the opening of Pride Info Center

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic welcomed the opening of Pride Info Center in Belgrade, the first public space in the center of the city where citizens will be able to get information about activities of organizations dealing with rights of LGBT community. Commissioner Jankovic supported the constitution of such center and stressed…

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Meeting of Commissioner Jankovic with Minister Djordjevic

Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Issues Zoran Djordjevic met with Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic.   Main topic of this meeting was amendments to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, undertaken in order to harmonize it with European legislative. By adopting these amendments, the protection frame for citizens against discrimination…

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Announcement regarding the meeting of Commissioner with Pride 2017 organizers

On the occasion of upcoming “Pride Week” and “Pride”, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković had discussion with organizers of these events, Goran Miletić, Jovanka Todorović and Petar Žmak. Commissioner supported organization of all activities during the “Pride Week” and stressed the importance of respecting all citizens’ rights that are guaranteed by Constitution…

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Announcement regarding the restriction of airplane boarding to child with autism

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, reminds that discrimination on grounds of health condition and disability is forbidden by the Constitution and Law and that persons with health issues and disability are facing great number of obstacles in all areas of life and often experience unaccepting and misunderstanding in their environment. Regarding information…

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Statement following the election of the Protector of Citizens

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality congratulated Zoran Pašalić on his election for the new Protector of Citizens. I am confident that in heading this important government institution you will give your full contribution to the further development of our society which is founded on the rule of law, justice and equality,…

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Commissioner at the conference on gender based violence

For slightly more than a week, two women in Serbia were murdered in partner and domestic violence – first in Negotin and second in Bačka Palanka, while a women and her daughter, who already have been moved to safe house, were severely injured in Bela Crkva -and all these tragic events happened on the street,…

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Announcement on the occasion of International Pride Day

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, congratulates International Pride Day to all members of LGBT population, noting that this day is an opportunity to draw public attention at the need for further improvement of their position. Last year’s survey on attitudes of Serbian citizens to discrimination revealed that social distance to members of…

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