In 2019, the most complaints were filed due to discrimination on grounds of disability. In the second place are complaints on grounds of gender, followed by those on grounds of health status, while the number of complaints on grounds of age and membership in political, trade union and other organizations remained the same. Complaints because of discrimination on grounds of marital and family status, nationality and ethnic origin, property status and sexual orientation are following, while other grounds of discrimination were stated in smaller number of complaints.
When it comes to the area of discrimination, work and employment is at the first place, as in previous years, making one third of the total number of complaints. In the second place are the proceedings before the public authorities to which a fifth of the complaints refer, followed by other areas such as area of education, provision of public services or use of facilities and areas, social and health care, public sphere / general public, etc.
The report gives 29 recommendations for suppression of discrimination and promoting equality, including: promoting decent work, reducing insecurity at work and enabling flexible working hours in order to improve the position of workers; protection of women from discrimination in the labor market with special attention to achieving equality in access to jobs, equal conditions for promotion and achieving equal pay; strengthening the capacity of social work centers and social protection institutions so that they can respond in a timely manner to all tasks in the field of social and family legal protection; improving the accessibility of primary and secondary education to children from vulnerable social groups; work on the inclusion of all social actors in order to recognize and prevent hate speech in public space, with special emphasis on its timely and adequate sanctioning, etc.
The tenth report in a row shows that there are positive developments, but that as a society we still face numerous challenges in terms of achieving equality and protection against discrimination. By noticing and accepting the problem, as well as by jointly insisting on respecting the right to diversity and equality, we can contribute to building the society we strive for, concluded Commissioner Jankovic.