
  • 7.14.2017
Meeting of Commissioner and Minister with Roma students

Ahead of the International Roma Day, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, together with a group of students of Roma national minority, met with Mladen Šarčević, Minister for Education, Science and Technology Development and discussed the possibilities for improvement of measures for university enrollment for members of this minority. Minister Šarčević welcomed this…

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Representatives of Roma female center Bibia and women from Roma settlements visited Commissioner

Ahead of the International Roma Day, Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, met with the representatives of Roma women center Bibia and women from Roma settlements. Experience of the Commissioner, together with numerous surveys, indicates that the position of Roma population is still difficult and that they are more exposed to discrimination and…

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Meeting of the Commissioner with the representatives of the Federation of associations of persons with kidney disabilities

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, met with Ljubinko Todorović, President of the Federation of associations of persons with kidney disabilities and Tatjana Stojanović, coordinator. Commissioner and representatives of the Federation discussed specific position of persons with kidney disabilities in our society and discrimination they often face. It was agreed to start cooperation…

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Meeting of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and Director of Friedrich Ebert Foundation

Ursula Koch Laugwitz, Director of regional office of Friedrich Ebert Foundation for Serbia and Montenegro, visited the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and met with the Commissioner Brankica Janković. Commissioner Janković introduced Director Koch Laugwitz to goals and activities of the institution and stressed the importance of protection against discrimination and…

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Promotion of “Gender Equality in Defense System” thematic collection of articles

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, spoke at the promotion event of thematic collection of papers „Gender Equality in Defense System – achievements and trends“ held at the Serbian Armed Forces Media Center. The collection presents overview of works on introducing gender equality in security sector and developing equality concept in the defense…

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Security and gender in emergency situations

Gender aspect is very important when we talk about security and decreasing the risk of natural disasters, said Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, at the expert conference „Security and gender in emergency situations“, stressing that timely, accurate and adequate reporting is of paramount importance in such situations. Commissioner stressed the importance of…

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Meeting of the Commissioner and the Head of EU Mission to Serbia

Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, had a meeting with Michael Davenport, Head of EU Mission to Serbia, who is soon to leave his position. Commissioner informed the Head of EU Mission to Serbia about the most important activities of the institution of the Commissioner from the previous year and also about data from…

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Strengthening political involvement of persons with disabilities in Serbia

According to the number of complaints that were filed with the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality during last year, disability and gender were the most common grounds of discrimination. This means that we still live in a society full of obstacles that our citizens with disabilities face, said Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection…

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Necessary to report discrimination

Brankica Jankovć, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, took part in a debate “Gender equality in Serbia today” in Valjevo, as well as in Mentoring Walk on the occasion of the International Women’s Day, a part of Global Mentoring Walk coordinated by Vital Voices organization. „Fighting for human rights of women does not in any…

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Gender equality in Serbia and prevention of discrimination against women

It is necessary to work every day on eliminating discrimination, because data indicate that women are still more exposed to various types of discrimination, mostly on the labor market and in the hiring process, said Brankica Jankovic, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality at the meeting „Gender equality in Serbia and prevention of discrimination against…

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