
Commissioner opened global meeting of MenCare network

Role of fathers, husbands and partners is often invisible and still characterized by gender imbalance, especially when talking about taking care of children and housework, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of global meeting of “MenCare” network in Belgrade. She accented that positive inclusion of men in lives of…

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Friends from the world of culture supported Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in combating discrimination

Results of the project „Strengthening of human rights and suppression of discrimination of sensitive groups through supporting implementation of anti-discrimination legal framework“ aimed to determine discrimination indicators in Republic of Serbia for three social groups: women, persons with physical disabilities and older persons were presented at the conference organized by Commissioner for the Protection of…

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Brankica Janković’s speech at the conference “We don’t discriminate”

Dear members of the Parliament, Your Excellences, distinguished directors of companies and enterprises, representatives of the civil society and the media, esteemed guests, partners and friends, It is my great honor and pleasure to greet you all and thank you for accepting our invitation, demonstrating in such way that we are united around the idea…

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We don’t discriminate – Anti-discrimination Code of Conduct for Employers presented

The guidebook for developing anti-discrimination Code of Conduct for Employers containing directives for creation of anti-discrimination policy of employers in Serbia was presented at the conference „We don’t discriminate“, organized by Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, within EU twinning project „Support of improvement of human rights and zero tolerance for discrimination“. Commissioner for the…

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Commissioner opened the conference on prevention of violence at sports events

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, spoke at the opening of 4th science conference „Sport events security management“, organized by Faculty of Sport at „Union – Nikola Tesla“ University in Belgrade. Commissioner stated that combating violence in sports has been going on for years now and that in 2013 Government of Republic of…

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Contest for Annual media tolerance award is open

On the occasion of 16 November, International Day for Tolerance, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, supported by OSCE Mission in Serbia, will award the best media articles and reports on combating discrimination and promotion of equality and tolerance with Annual Media Award, for a third year in a row. Contest goal is media promotion…

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Awards for the older people best travel stories

Contest for the older people best travel story „Dragan’s award“ organized by Association “Strenght of friendship“ Amity was held for the third year in a row. Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, complimented the engagement of older people and said that dominant image of people in that age is unfortunately – „we are…

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Commissioner Janković takes part in a conference on human rights protection

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, took part at the conference “Human rights in Serbia – reality or farce?”, organized by Forum ZDF and Danas daily newspaper in Center for Cultural Decontamination. Mechanisms for protection of human rights in Serbia exist also for protection against discrimination. I do not deny that there are…

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“Friend of old people’s health” Charter awarded to Commissioner Brankica Janković

On a second day of Old Age Fair 55+, Office for old people’s health, City Institute for Public Health Belgrade and magazine Penzija handed the „Friend of old people’s health“ status charter to Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, for contribution to combating discrimination of our oldest citizens, improvement of equality, as well…

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Commissioner and Minister of Justice discussed improvement of anti-discrimination norms

Minister of Justice, Nela Kuburović, met today with Brankica Janković, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, and discussed with her the improvement of anti-discrimination norms and position of sensitive groups. Kuburović and Janković agreed that there is a need for more efficient implementation of anti-discrimination legislation that would additionally improve rights of persons belonging to…

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