
Agreement on scientific-professional cooperation signed

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and the Institute for Comparative Law Director, Dr. Vladimir Čolović, signed an agreement on scientific and professional cooperation in protecting equality and the fight against discrimination. Cooperation will be realized through the organization and implementation of joint programs, preparation of professional seminars and conferences, mutual exchange…

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Meeting of the Commissioner and Ambassador for human rights of the Netherlands

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and her associates met with the Human Rights Ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Wim Geerts, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Serbia, Joost Reintjes, and the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Hester van Ommeren,…

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Activists from Montenegro visited the institution of the Commissioner

Representatives of women’s civil society organizations from Montenegro visited the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality to become more familiar with its competences and activities. Commissioner Brankica Janković presented the most important mechanisms for protection against discrimination and some of the more important projects that the institution implements in cooperation with partners…

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A cycle of educational workshops on protection against discrimination at work completed

In 2023, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality conducted educational workshops on protecting against workplace discrimination, which included over 400 union representatives and employees in the automotive, electrical, and textile industries. At the workshops in Subotica, Novi Sad, Valjevo, Kragujevac, and Niš, the training participants learned more about the Commissioner’s mandate and role, the…

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Support for programs for unemployed women in Kragujevac

It is important that all information about support programs concerning the employment of the less employable categories of the population, especially women, who are often discriminated against on the labor market, be easily accessible to all citizens, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković at the presentation of the booklet “Support programs for…

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Workshop on equality in property inheritance with young people in Požarevac

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and representatives of the Kolubara District Women’s Association (ŽUKO) held the first in a series of joint workshops for high school students on the topic of equality in property inheritance at the Polytechnic School in Požarevac. In our society, prejudices, stereotypes, and beliefs still put women in…

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Commissioner at the opening of the “Privacy Week” conference

Privacy as a concept is at the very core of equality, and the violation of the right to privacy is often only a step away from discrimination, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of the “Privacy Week” conference organized by Partners Serbia on the occasion of the International Privacy…

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Women’s rights in the cultural heritage of Serbia

Although more relevant today than ever, the fight for women’s rights and their realization in Serbia has a long history in this area. The exhibition presents many articles from the historical Serbian press related to this topic and reveals that the first articles on women’s rights were published in Serbian as early as the middle…

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Meeting of the Commissioner and the Ambassador of Great Britain

The Ambassador of Great Britain to Serbia, Edward Ferguson, visited the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, where he discussed with Commissioner Brankica Janković the importance of respect for human rights and the role of the institution in the promotion of equality and protection against discrimination. Janković presented to Ambassador Ferguson some…

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Commissioner at the conference in Berlin

Commissioner Brankica Janković participated in a two-day conference in Berlin dedicated to the need to adopt common standards of equality bodies for effective protection against discrimination in Europe, jointly organized by the European Network of Equality Bodies EQUINET and the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency of Germany FADA. The Commissioner spoke in a panel dedicated to the…

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