
Preparation for the implementation of UN standard for the employment of LGBTI persons

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic met with representatives of UN Human Rights Team in Serbia in order to consider possibilities for contribution of the institution of Commissioner to the implementation of UN global standards for the employment of LGBTI persons in our country. These standards imply respect for human rights of LGBTI…

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Support for the palliative care of patients

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic attended the ceremonial beginning of construction works within Bel Hospice project, Day Center of the first hospice in Serbia that should start working this autumn. Commissioner emphasized the importance and significance of caring and helping people who are in terminal phase of illness and stressed that Commissioner…

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The End of Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic attended the closing of Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities “Living in Encounter” that was held in Belgrade. I believe that after three-day workshops, panels and study trips, we have learned a lot from each other and about each other, as well as that Congress motto…

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Better adaptation of labor market for persons with disabilities is necessery

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic took part at the panel “Inclusion at the labor market – where is the stumbling stone?” within Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities “Living in Encounter” in Belgrade. Panel goal is to enable dialog and education about who employs persons with disabilities in Serbia, how the…

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Opening of Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities

Several hundred guests from abroad, representatives of state institutions, civil society organizations and athletes with disabilities were present at the ceremony opening of Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities, held in concert hall Kolarac. Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic stressed at the ceremony that a congress at this level is good…

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Economic empowerment of women decreases discrimination

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic spoke at the opening of conference “Dress for Success” which was organized by Dress for Success Belgrade and Savski Venac municipality. Commissioner supported the work of this organization whose aim is to empower women in order to reach economy independence through providing support networking, from education to…

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Heading to big European congress “Living in Encounter” in Belgrade

Seventh European Congress for Persons with Disabilities “Living in Encounter”, whose sponsor is also Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, will take place in Belgrade, from 31 May to 3 June, 2018, as it was announced at the press conference in Media Center. After biggest Central European capitals like Berlin, Brussels, Vienna and Prague, Belgrade…

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Prizes for the best travels of older persons

The fourth Contest for the best travels of older persons „Dragan’s Award“, organized by Association „Strength of Friendship“ Amity, was completed and authors of the best travels were ceremonially announced in the Belgrade City Library. Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic admired the engagement and creativity of older people who in such way…

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Commissioner at the meeting with companies for the professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic had a working meeting with the representatives of the Association of Companies for the Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (UIPS). Goal of the meeting was to find way for the improvement of the position and employment of persons with disabilities at the labor market,…

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Commissioner at the ECRI conference in Strasbourg

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic participates at the annual conference of European equality institutions in Strasbourg, organized by European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI). This conference offers an opportunity to improve framework for protection of human rights through the exchange of practices and attitudes, with participation of eminent experts from whole…

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