
Gender equality in higher education

Women in Serbia are still at a disadvantage compared to men and this is visible in the labor market, in participation in decision-making, distribution of jobs, wages, in the economic sphere and education.  That is why it is important that at universities the issue of gender equality receives the attention it deserves, because universities, in…

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The Commissioner with representatives of SUBNOR

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with representatives of SUBNOR, with whom she discussed their activities aimed at fostering anti-fascism and the possibilities of further cooperation. At a time when we are faced with growing hate speech, the relativization of Nazism and fascism, as well as the denial of victims from…

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Employment, along with education, is key to improving the position of Roma

Poverty, i.e. property status, is one of the main reasons for exclusion and discrimination against Roma, while the field of employment is one of those where discrimination is commonly seen, as evidenced by the Commissioner’s research and complaints this Institution has been receiving for many years, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković…

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Systemic measures in the field of education, employment, housing and social support are needed for a better position of young people

Age as the basis of discrimination is one of the most common personal characteristics that citizens complain about, and in the past five years, that basis was the second among them. Half of these complaints referred to discrimination against children and youth, most often in the field of education and professional training, health care and…

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Women leaders in a discussion with the Commissioner

Prejudices against women and gender stereotypes, which significantly reduce the chances and opportunities for women, are still firmly rooted in our society, and the biggest barriers to breaking them are deep-rooted patriarchy and centuries of male domination, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković at a working breakfast with women gathered around the…

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The Commissioner, together with the employees of the Institution, visited the newly established Legacy of Archaeologists and Ambassador of SFRY Ante Ilić

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković, together with the employees of the Institution, visited the newly established Legacy of Archaeologists and Ambassador of SFRY Ante Ilić, who together with his wife Dragana Tucaković collected valuable objects and works of art for years. A special asset of the Legacy, which is located in…

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The exhibition “Great Women of Serbian Culture” was seen by almost five thousand visitors

During the two and a half months of the exhibition “Great Women of Serbian Culture”, the contribution of women to our culture and art and women’s creative works of the second half of the 19th and the 20th century were additionally highlighted. Until a little over a hundred years ago, their works were almost unrecognized…

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The Covid crisis has further aggravated the condition of vulnerable groups

Complaints about the availability of health services and actions to protect the rights of different vulnerable groups have largely marked the work of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality since the beginning of the Covid crisis. Although these problems were most pronounced during the state of emergency, the same types of complaints remained the…

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Commissioner’s messages at the webinar “Discrimination against the Elderly and Agenda 2030”

Age discrimination is one of the most common reasons why citizens address the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, which has become especially visible in the last two years, during the crisis caused by the pandemic, said the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Janković at the webinar “Discrimination against the Elderly and Agenda…

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Stock exchange bell for gender equality

Improving gender equality in the context of the climate crisis is one of the biggest global challenges of today, which is why “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” is the topic of this year’s “Stock exchange bell for gender equality”. Women are already recognized as more vulnerable to the impact of climate change compared…

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