
The Commissioner participated in a panel on the future of female leadership

When we talk about empowering women, it is important to emphasize that the real challenges are not only quotas but also the creation of conditions for the full participation of women in decision-making, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the panel discussion “The Future of Female Leadership: Diversity, Resilience and Vision”…

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Commissioner at the round table at the Munich Security Conference

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the Round Table “Building Lasting Peace – Why it is more important than ever to implement the ‘Women, Peace and Security’” Agenda, hosted by the German Federal Office for Foreign Affairs, as part of the Munich Security Conference 2025. Analysis of 182 peace agreements…

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Workshop “How to achieve equality in the workplace” in Kragujevac

It is encouraging that an increasing number of employers recognize the need for prevention and suppression of discrimination in the work environment, as well as the importance of establishing internal policies and mechanisms for respect for equality and socially responsible business, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the beginning of an…

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Meeting between Commissioner Janković and Minister Doughty

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with the Minister of State for Europe, North America and Overseas Territories of the United Kingdom, Stephen Doughty, with whom she discussed the importance of preserving stability in complex times, the role of young people and women in the community, as well as the problems of…

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The Commissioner spoke with KOMS representatives about improving the position of young people

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with representatives of the Umbrella Organization of Youth of Serbia (KOMS), Secretary General Milica Borjanić and Program Manager Gordana Adamov. The main topics of the meeting were preventing discrimination against young people and the need for their greater inclusion in decision-making processes, which will contribute to…

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Meeting o f the Commissioner with the Ambassador of Canada

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with Canadian Ambassador Michelle Cameron, with whom she discussed the importance of equality and the activities that the Commissioner’s institution undertakes in the fight against discrimination. Janković and Cameron agreed that decisive efforts are needed to preserve human rights and freedoms, which are usually the first…

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The Commissioner held a meeting with the Ambassador of Switzerland

Ambassador to Switzerland Anne Lugon Moulin visited the Institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, where she discussed with Commissioner Brankica Janković the situation in the field of equality protection and the role of the Institution in preventing and combating discrimination. Janković presented to the Ambassador some of the most important activities that…

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Commissioner at the conference “Music of Hope – music curriculum in the service of every student”

Music has always been a language understandable to all and belongs to all humanity, just as human rights do not have gender, nation or religion, but belong to all people, emphasized the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the conference “Music of Hope – music curriculum at the service of every student”,…

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National Conference “Between Law and Reality: Women’s Perspectives on Gender Equality in Serbia”

Only 4.6% of respondents believe that gender equality has been fully achieved, while almost 11% believe that it has not been achieved at all, which shows the need for a different approach to solving this problem, primarily by changing the way of communication and more actively involving men and young people, said Commissioner for the…

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Meeting with Slovenian Minister Luka Mesec

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, held a meeting with Luka Mesec, Minister of Labor, Family, Social Policy and Equal Opportunities of Slovenia. We discussed the challenges of implementing the principle of equality in all areas of life, especially in the field of work and employment. We recognized that our two countries share…

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