
Commissioner at the conference on women in engineering

There are more and more female engineers who, with their knowledge, work and perseverance, overcome the framework of social patterns conditioned by history and culture, for whom we must create a stimulating business environment and provide them with full support, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of the Chevening…

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Annual media awards for tolerance awarded for the ninth time

The media is one of our most important partners in the fight for equality, which is why the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the OSCE Mission in Serbia awarded Annual Media Awards for the ninth time to the authors of the best texts and contributions on the topic of the fight against discrimination,…

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Commissioner participated in “University talks with KAICIID”

When we talk about the situation of migrants and refugees, we should have a much more humane approach – to speak about these people and the challenges they face with much more empathy and understanding. Although they come from different backgrounds and cultures and speak other languages, we must not forget that they are all…

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Workshop “Achieving Workplace Equality” Held in Novi Sad

The workshop for employers titled “Achieving Workplace Equality,” held in Novi Sad, marked the beginning of a series of training sessions organized by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality in cooperation with the German organization for international cooperation, GIZ Serbia. The aim is to help companies enhance their knowledge of discrimination prevention and protection….

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Commissioner at the annual seminar of ECRI and equality bodies

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the annual ECRI seminar for representatives of national equality bodies in Strasbourg, which was dedicated to practices and strategies for combating racism in healthcare and structural discrimination. The seminar was an opportunity to mark 30 years of ECRI’s work. ECRI is an independent supervisory body…

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Commissioner at the UNESCO conference against racism and inequality

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the inaugural meeting of the UNESCO Network of Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Officials and the Ceremony marking 30 years of the “Routes of Enslaved Peoples” Programme in Paris. The meeting was dedicated to the joint fight of the states against racism and inequality and was…

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Commissioner at the conference “Support of the private sector – from the perspective of refugees”

Equality represents one of the fundamental values ​​of modern society. Prohibition of discrimination and equal opportunities are the key to everyone’s well-being, and their realization implies the responsibility of all of us, including the private sector, which has great potential to contribute to this goal, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at…

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Ambassadors Against Antigypsyism visiting the Commissioner

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and her collaborators met with representatives of the group Ambassadors Against Antigypsyism. This group consists of young members of the Roma and majority communities whose activities aim to reduce social distance towards Roma and increase awareness in society about the unacceptability of discrimination against Roma. In the…

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Conference “My future – who should take care of it?” for greater inclusion of older persons

Demographic changes and aging are some of the most important topics for the future of all of us. It is necessary to adapt to new conditions in the provision of different types of services, use innovations and continuously meet the needs of older persons, using the achievements of science and technology in the service of…

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Meeting of the Commissioner and the Austrian Director of the Ombud for Equal Treatment

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, met with Sandra Konstatzky, Director of the Ombud for Equal Treatment of the Republic of Austria, with whom she discussed common challenges for improving the protection of the rights of citizens who are at increased risk of discrimination. Janković introduced her Austrian colleague to the competencies and…

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