Complaint filed by organization G. against councilor of Municipal Assembly of Trstenik for hate speech aimed at LGBT population

No. 07-00-120 / 2016-02 Date: 23 May 2016

The opinion was issued in the  proceeding acting upon complaints of  G. organizations, which have joined the organization: AD, J. and K.P.D. consisting of C.U.P.S, C.R.D, C.M.O.Lj.P, L, P, R.C.M. and U.S.H against Dragan Vilimonović,  a councilor  in  Municipal Assembly of Trstenik . The complainant stated that Dragan Vilimonović said, at the meeting of the Municipality of Trstenik on 5 February 2016: “I have to cross myself for the reason   I have information that the municipal budget of Trstenik is funding  the  LGBT population. Fags.  I have to ask who the normal one here was to give fags the money from the municipal budget of Trstenik “. Furthermore, it was stated that the councilor Vilimonović ignored the warnings of the President of the Assembly, and continued: “Gentlemen, I use Serbian words and I speak Serbian. I do not speak Turkish neither English nor German, but Serbian, and LGBT and what I know they are called, my bro, fags. If someone wants to be a fag and wants to fund that, let it finance that from his own pocket, but do not be financed from my money and the money   of citizens of the municipality Trstenik. Who the hell is crazy to do that, I need to see if this is true. These guys here are grateful.  They thank the municipality of Trstenik for financing. “Councilor Vilimonović concluded by saying:” Gentlemen, if you did that, it’s a hell crazy house. Who to hell   funds fags? Is it possible that the money from the budget were given for this? What bloody discrimination? “. It is stated that in this way councilor Vilimonović insulted and discriminated LGBT population, with the clear message that the members of this population should be put at a disadvantage in terms of the right to participate in the municipal budget. The statement of Dragan Vilimonović indicated that his statement was not meant to derogate anyone, but to contribute to the debate on the budget. Councilor Vilimonović considered that the word “fag”  is a Serbian word, which is found in dictionaries and which  use is not prohibited. He also stated that he believes that everyone has the right to allocation of funds from the budget, but if there are not enough funds, the priorities should be set. It was found that Dragan Vilimonović during the session of the Municipal Assembly Trstenik, made more discriminatory attitudes towards members of the LGBT population. Therefore, the Commissioner for Protection of Equality issued an opinion that by the statement that a councilor Dragan Vilimonović gave at the meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Trstenik on 5 February 2016, relating to the LGBT population violated the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination. Dragan Vilimonović was recommended to meet representatives of an LGBT organization so as to get closer with the problems of their community, within 15 days of receipt of this opinion with a recommendation, and that in future he shall refrain from violating regulations which prohibit discrimination.


Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

Brankica Janković

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