No. 07-00-638/2016-02   Date: 27.3.2017.




Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by MPs O.P., G.Č., N.L., M.T., because of calendar for 2017, published by Association D.D.K. in N. Complainants stated that pictures and comments printed in calendar, that was published by Association D.D.K. in N. insult and degrade women. During the proceeding, it was determined that calendar consists of pictures and statements saying: “There are as many white crows as good women”, “One should not have beautiful woman and vineyard that is close to the road” and “Poured coffee and stripped woman cannot wait”. Commissioner notes that content of this table calendar published by this association, given in such context, is belittling women and promoting women’s inferiority, objectification and stereotypes. Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued an opinion that statements attached to pictures in calendar for 2017 of this association: “There are as many white crows as good women”, “One should not have beautiful woman and vineyard that is close to the road” and “Poured coffee and stripped woman cannot wait” expressed ideas and attitudes that are insulting and deteriorating for women’s dignity and that Association D.D.K. in N. violated provisions of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination. Association D.D.K. in N. was recommended not to distribute association’s table calendar for 2017 and to publish an apology for discriminatory content published in this calendar at their web site and to be careful not to violate legal regulations on prohibition of discrimination in future, within their regular businesses and activities.

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

Brankica Janković

microsoft-word-icon Complaint filed by group of MPs against Association D.D.K. in N. because of discrimination on grounds of gender in area of association’s work Преузми

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