Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic participated in the ceremony opening of the conference „Gender (in)equality in the area of employment“ on the occasion of presentation of international women empowerment program „Dress for Success“, held in Serbia for the first time. This program consists of the various support types network, educational preparations and practical development tools for employment and career progression.

Welcoming the implementation of this unique initiative, Commissioner reminded that women in Serbia have more difficulties in finding employment, often have lower salaries than men for the same job position and are more exposed to discrimination and dismissal from work.

„Combat against discrimination is not happening only in institutions, it is essential that as many organisations, companies and individuals as possible are taking part in it, consciously contributing to achievement of true equality through their activities. Therefore, I sincerely welcome all those who wish to help this initiative and to show on their example of solidarity that it is possible to create conditions for women in difficult material position to realize their potential, gain economy independence and improve living conditions for them and their families“, concluded Commissioner.

At the conference also spoke the representatives of Infostud and Danas daily newspaper, conference organizers and women who signed up for the program.

Organisation Dress for Success provides services to women in 158 cities in 27 countries worldwide. Since it was founded in 1997, it has helped over 700.000 women, while great majority of them kept their job and continued with their education. Some of the organization’s most famous promoters in USA are Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams and Michelle Obama.

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