On the occasion of November 16, the International Day of Tolerance, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, with the support of the OSCE Mission in Serbia awards, for the eighth time, the Annual media award for the best media texts and contributions on the topic of combating discrimination and promoting equality and tolerance. The competition’s goal is media promotion of values ​​such as equality and tolerance, as well as suppression of prejudices and stereotypes towards the minority, marginalized, and vulnerable groups, and raising the visibility of the Institution of the Commissioner.

Journalists of all print and electronic, local and national media registered in Serbia, who have published texts/reports on the topic of the competition in the period from September 15, 2022, to September 15, 2023, have the right to participate. More journalists from the same media outlet can participate, but only with one contribution/text each. Also, journalists awarded in the previous two years cannot compete for awards in 2022. The evaluation criteria are: recognition of the phenomenon of discrimination, contribution to reducing stereotypes and prejudices, affirmative reporting, promotion of equality, and use of gender-sensitive language.

Media texts and contributions must be sent in the period from June 16 to September 15, 2023, to: The application for the competition should contain a media contribution/text and a short biography, with the author’s contacts. Application format: for radio and television – a link with the broadcasted contribution, for print and internet media – a link or published text in PDF format.

Prizes are awarded in three categories, first, second, and third:

  • radio or TV report (up to 3 minutes) or reportage (up to 30 minutes);
  • text from daily or weekly press/newspaper;
  • online media/portals video or text form.

The expert jury consists of previous winners of first prizes in all three categories and representatives of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the Media Department of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

The best media contributions and the names of the authors will be announced at the conference on November 16, 2023, and will then be published on the website and Facebook page of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the OSCE Mission in Serbia.

We believe that your media will recognize the significance and importance of this competition and that you will encourage your colleagues to apply.

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