Ambassadors Against Antigypsyism visiting the Commissioner

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, and her collaborators met with representatives of the group Ambassadors Against Antigypsyism. This group consists of young members of the Roma and majority communities whose activities aim to reduce social distance towards Roma and increase awareness in society about the unacceptability of discrimination against Roma.

In the conversation with the Commissioner, the young activists stated that they stand for the inadmissibility of using the term gypsies in public space, as well as the importance of suppressing prejudices against Roma in the proceedings before public services, such as centers for social work. In the conversation, the need for continuous education of representatives of the Roma community on recognizing and reacting to discrimination was highlighted because the practice has shown that insufficient information is one of the reasons for not reporting cases of discrimination.

The Commissioner’s representatives introduced the interlocutors to the institution’s practice, which, in addition to handling complaints and recommending measures, also includes numerous educational programs, workshops, research, and project activities aimed at improving the position of Roma.

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