Conference “My future – who should take care of it?” for greater inclusion of older persons

Demographic changes and aging are some of the most important topics for the future of all of us. It is necessary to adapt to new conditions in the provision of different types of services, use innovations and continuously meet the needs of older persons, using the achievements of science and technology in the service of good, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of the conference “My future – who should take care of it? Inclusive society for older persons” which is dedicated to innovations in the field of care for older persons, promotion of active and healthy aging, digital literacy, as well as achievements and challenges faced by the elderly.

We must not allow older persons to be excluded from the society they created themselves, but it is necessary to involve them in all the processes of creating and implementing policies that are important to them, said Janković.

The conference was jointly organized by the Office of the Attaché for Social Protection of the Republic of Austria, the UN Population Fund in Serbia, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, the Serbian Red Cross and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

The UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia, Matilde Mordt, the Director of the Ombud for Equal Treatment of the Republic of Austria, Sandra Konstatzky, Andreas Schaller from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Austria, the President of the Red Cross of Serbia, Dr. Dragan Radovanović, and Mihajlo Vesović from the Chamber of Commerce, Serbia, amongst others, spoke at the conference.

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