No. 07-00-521/2016-02

No. 07-00-521/2016-02  Date:3 February, 2017




The opinion was issued in the procedure following complaint from organization R.I.C. against the daily newspaper “I” on account of the text “TERRIBLE! PAJTIĆ REQUIRES FOR FAGGOTS TO ADOPT CHILDREN! Shocking political turn of the leader of the Democratic Party! “, published on 24 June, 2016. The analysis of this text showed that with the text, the daily newspaper “I” sent a message to the readers that the ideas of politician Bojan Pajtić were terrifying as he was allegedly advocating that same-sex couples adopt children, while members of the LGBT population were called “faggots”. Therefore, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued the opinion that title of the text “TERRIBLE! PAJTIĆ REQUIRES FOR FAGGOTS TO ADOPT CHILDREN! Shocking political turn of the leader of the Democratic Party!”, as well as comment by the author of the text: “It is quite clear that the acceptance of Pajtić’s proposal in practice would mean that in Serbia, gay couples should be allowed to adopt children!”, published in daily newspaper “I”on 24 June, 2016, expressed ideas and attitudes that were disturbing and humiliating and insulting  for dignity of persons of different sexual orientation from heterosexuals, thus violating the provisions of the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination. Therefore, the daily newspaper “I” was recommended to invite male and female representatives of R.I.C. in order to directly find out what problems LGBT people face in their everyday life, as well as how the text of this content influenced them, and in the future not to publish texts insulting the dignity of male and female members of the LBT population and supporting prejudices towards marginalized social groups, and with its texts to contribute to changing patterns, customs and practices that condition stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in relation to LGBT persons.



Brankica Janković
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