No. 560/2020

Ana Brnabić, President

Nemanjina 11


Dear Ms. Brnabić,


We take this opportunity to inform you that the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality is being addressed on a daily basis by citizens regarding the problems they face during the state of emergency.

Appreciating the efforts made and the results achieved so far, and on basis of the legally established competences, we consider it necessary to point out the following:

1) The need to simplify the procedure for issuing movement permits. Namely, after initiatives submitted by the Commissioner, and the related Procedures for obtaining a permit for movement during the prohibition of movement published on the official website of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs, the citizens continued to address the Commissioner on a daily basis stating that these procedures are complex (local self-government unit, Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs, Ministry of the Interior), that local self-government units do not know how to proceed, and instruct them that they can move carrying with them appropriate documentation showing that they meet the procedure requirements. They further state that they are afraid that they will be penalised for violating the prohibition measures, that is, for not having the permit issued in accordance with the prescribed procedure. In this regard, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality welcomes the activities of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to enable citizens who need a permit for movement during the prohibition of movement to obtain this permit in a simpler manner through the e-Government portal. We believe that the solution for submitting the request for movement of a person during the prohibition of movement through the e-Government portal will contribute to faster resolution of the problem. However, bearing in mind that electronic forms of communication are not available to everyone, we believe that procedures need to be simplified, and that clear instructions should be given to local self-government units regarding the receipt of citizens’ requests for a movement permit. Faster resolution of requests could also be facilitated by sending the movement permit request to a specifically designated telephone number, after which citizens would be notified by an SMS of a movement permit for a specified period. This would make it easier for parents and guardians to obtain a permit that, in the form of a text message, would be a valid proof in the case of a check-up that they are allowed to be outside during the general prohibition of movement. If proven effective, such a solution could also be used for other movement permits when needed.

2) Issues regarding the ban on the movement of the elderly. More and more senior citizens are addressing the Commissioner day after day, expressing their discontent and stating that due to the length of the imposed ban on the movement, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to tolerate isolation, that the introduction of the possibility to get supplies and to move in the early morning hours once a week is inadequate, and that all this reflects on their mental and physical health. They also point out that if their isolation is prolonged, they will be at a far greater risk healthwise after the state of emergency ends, because of reduced immunity due to isolation and immobility. Fully understanding the particular concern for this group of citizens, we believe that it is necessary to consider the possibilities regarding the adequacy of the periods designated for movement of elderly and their frequency in accordance with the requirements of the profession and daily analysis of the situation, adapting the measures to real circumstances. Considering the length of the measures introduced so far, as well as the possibility of assessing their effects on the COVID-19 epidemic and other factors that additionally affect the possibility of spreading the infection, the Commissioner recommends that when introducing, adjusting or reviewing already introduced measures, all of the above issues are taken into account, as well as other health risks for citizens and particularly elderly people, as a vulnerable social group.


3) Operation and functioning of lines for assistance to the elderly and other lines established for various types of support and assistance. Namely, when addressing the Commissioner, citizens point out that in some local self-government units the established lines for assistance to the elderly do not operate at the time of the prohibition of movement, which is a particular problem when the prohibition of movement is set for a longer time interval, such as on weekends. As an example, we submit in the attachment a notice from a local self-government unit, which testifies to this practice. Regarding this case, we have recommended measures to the local self-government unit, but we believe that it is important to point out these problems, since some assistance and support lines are organized at the republican level or within institutions founded by the Republic. Particularly important is the information regarding the organization of transportation of persons with carcinoma and other serious illnesses, who have to go to therapies outside the place of residence. Thus, the Commissioner is addressed by certain oncology patients who point out that they do not know who to contact regarding the procedure for receiving their therapy, when they are under self-isolation measure, or when they come from abroad and have never been treated in Serbia, and the therapy is necessary given the type of illness they have. The Commissioner is also addressed by some civil society organizations. Thus, a citizens’ association, which was founded, inter alia, with the aim of improving the position and quality of life and health of women, stated in its letter that citizens over 65 years of age who are oncologic patients were particularly at risk, and that some tertiary institutions were sent a notice for patients that “electronic oncology committees (consulting bodies) are being introduced, all for the safety of patients, employees and faster and more efficient work”, and that applications are submitted by email to a specific electronic address, whereby the scanned referral letter, relevant medical documentation, address of residence and the unique master citizen number, etc., must be submitted with the application. The letter states that a number of citizens, especially those in rural areas, as well as senior citizens who are not familiar with this type of communication, have a problem completing the application and submitting the requested documentation, and that they do not know how to solve this problem, that is, who to contact. In this regard, we consider it important that these telephones, as well as other support and assistance lines, be available at the time of the prohibition of movement.

We believe that the potential of civil society organizations that have certain capacities and are willing to participate should be used, such as, for example, organizations dealing with the protection of persons with disabilities, women, the elderly, young people, members of national minorities, migrants and refugees, or the LGBT population. These organizations already have elaborate channels of communication and assistance and are best aware of the problems of these groups. The synchronized joint action of all stakeholders would certainly contribute to a more effective solution to the problems mentioned above and to providing support to those in need, with full protection and clear protocols that safeguard the health of the persons and users involved.


4) Capacities of safe houses and timely protection against violence. Special attention should be paid to the capacities of safe houses and the provision of support to all persons in need of this type of accommodation. The problem of space is especially complicated if it is necessary to provide a room for self-isolation within a safe house. In regular circumstances, the number of women and children in safe houses fluctuates, while in the state of emergency, due to other circumstances, this is not the case, and there is a possibility of an increase in the rate of violence given the state of emergency conditions (lack of income, prohibition of movement, longer joint stay in home etc.). We also take this opportunity to point out that the Commissioner is addressed by citizens, stating that there are problems with accommodating victims of violence in safe houses. Namely, they state that the Safe Houses in Zrenjanin, Belgrade and Novi Sad require, as a criterion for accommodation, among other things, that the user has been tested for Corona virus and is negative, and on the other hand epidemiologists from the Institute for health protection and the Health center state that they currently have other criteria for testing (existence of symptoms, contact with an infected person, etc.) and that they cannot currently test for these purposes. In addition, it is stated that the same problem exists when accommodating persons in the Shelter for adults in crisis situations and homeless persons. In this regard, we consider it important that instructions how to proceed in the circumstances of the state of emergency be given to all institutions that have legally prescribed competences with regard to proceeding in cases of violence or risk of violence, in order to provide timely protection to victims of violence.


Supporting the efforts made to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus epidemic, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, in accordance with her competences, will continue to monitor the situation and continually point out the more serious problems faced by the most vulnerable categories of citizens, on account of which they address the Commissioner, and which should be taken into account and considered when designing various measures, as well as when reviewing existing ones, with the aim of combating the spread of this virus.



Brankica Janković


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