Day: October 31, 2024

Commissioner participated in “University talks with KAICIID”

When we talk about the situation of migrants and refugees, we should have a much more humane approach – to speak about these people and the challenges they face with much more empathy and understanding. Although they come from different backgrounds and cultures and speak other languages, we must not forget that they are all…

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Conference “Fair inheritance – a step towards women’s empowerment”

The laws are clear – women and men have the same right to inheritance, and it has been like that for 80 years. However, there is a widespread belief in life, even among young people, that men should have an advantage, which is why many women still renounce their inheritance in order not to be…

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No. 543-24

No. 07-00-472/2024-02 date: 31.10.2024.   OPINION The opinion was issued in the proceedings regarding the complaint of Dr. AA from Kraljevo against Dr. BB from Vranje, due to discrimination based on age. The complaint stated that Dr. BB, at the session of the Executive Board of the Branch of the Dental Chamber of Serbia for…

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No. 715-24

no. 021-01-1868/2024-02 date: 31.10.2024.   Acting within the competences prescribed by law[1] to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend to public authorities and other persons measures to achieve equality and protection against discrimination, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality sends to all health centers the following   RECOMMENDATION…

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