Day: April 12, 2024

Brankica Janković calls for the spirit of tolerance in Novi Pazar

Every religious holiday, including Eid, should be celebrated in peace, in the spirit of tolerance and togetherness, and not be an occasion for provocations and fomenting inter-ethnic intolerance. Just as everyone has the right to express their religious beliefs freely, this must not be done through intimidation of members of other faiths. Everyone has the…

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An exhibition on women’s rights in the cultural heritage of Serbia opened in Užice

Culture is important for all human beings because it is an area that knows no borders and provides people with the opportunity to achieve equality and set new standards, as Maga Magazinović from Užice once did, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the opening of the exhibition “Women’s rights in the…

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