Day: January 30, 2023

The Commissioner condemned the antisemitic graffiti

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, condemns the writing of antisemitic graffiti on the Sephardic Jewish Cemetery in Belgrade and reminds that just a few days ago, the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust and the great suffering of a nation was marked. In a country that suffered huge…

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Commissioner at the presentation of research on socially responsible business

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, participated in the conference on the occasion of the presentation of the research “Socially responsible business in the service of women’s empowerment”, which was conducted for the needs of the Trag foundation. The Commissioner pointed out that visible progress has already been achieved and that there…

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Initiative for amendments to the Law on Transplantation of Human Organs and the Law on Human Cells and Tissues submitted

The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, submitted an initiative to the Minister of Health, Danica Grujičić, to initiate urgently a procedure of amending the Law on Transplantation of Human Organs and the Law on Human Cells and Tissues in order to re-establish a full legal framework and enable the transplantation of organs…

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