Announcement Regarding the Beginning of the Presidential Election Campaign

Regarding the beginning of the presidential election campaign, Brankica Janković the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality called on all participants in the election process to demonstrate high level of tolerance and comply with the laws and Constitution of the Republic of Serbia.

I would like to emphasize the importance of acting in accordance with the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination that forbids hate speech, instigation of national, religious and any other intolerance, together with offensive, distressing and degrading activities, said the Commissioner, adding that chauvinist and misogynic messages are unacceptible, as well as the spreading of stereotypes and prejudices against any minority group.

In respecting different and opposing views, all participants regardless of whether they are candidates for public office or perform activities that support one of the candidates, must be aware of the weight and consequences of their words spoken to the media and in the public domain, as well as of the impact they have on shaping public opinion about any social group, concluded the Commissioner.

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