Announcement on the occasion of International Workers’ Day

On the occasion of International Workers’ Day, Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic stresses that it is necessary to work on the improvement of workers’ position more efficiently and reminds that the number of complaints due to discrimination has been the greatest in the area of labor and employment, for years now.

Equal employment chances, adequate working conditions and ample remuneration, which allows decent life, should be a common goal for all and working on the protection of rights in this area is one of the preconditions for its achievement.

One of the priorities of Commissioner for the Protection of Equality is the prevention of discrimination in area of work and employment that is being implemented through continuous education of labor inspectors and employers for the recognition and inhibition of discrimination. Special attention should be paid to the most vulnerable groups such are persons with disability, pregnant and women who recently gave birth, members of Roma national minority, persons older than 55 and young who are seeking their first employment, but also to the empowerment of workers to address the institutions in case of violation of their rights.

Enabling of better conditions at the labor market and greater employment, with respect of equality and equity principles, presents the key condition for increasing the standard of living of citizens in Serbia and economic progress of whole society, concludes Commissioner Jankovic.

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