Women’s rights in the cultural heritage of Serbia

Although more relevant today than ever, the fight for women’s rights and their realization in Serbia has a long history in this area. The exhibition presents many articles from the historical Serbian press related to this topic and reveals that the first articles on women’s rights were published in Serbian as early as the middle of the 19th century. Women’s rights and the struggle for their realization are an integral and very important part of Serbia’s historical heritage and are, therefore, an inseparable part of the cultural identity of our people and the traditions inherited in the Republic of Serbia.

The virtual exhibition presents 198 articles from historical newspapers of Serbia, from different historical periods, from the sixties of the 19th century to the seventies of the 20th century. The articles were taken from the region’s largest searchable digital library pretraživa.srb, which contains more than 1.2 million searchable pages of the cultural heritage of Serbia and the countries of the region.

The “Svetozar Marković” University Library realized the exhibition in December 2023 in cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality and the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Belgrade.

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