Support for the employment of women older than 45

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic met with the president of Executive Board of the association Women at the milestone Mima Perisic, regarding the extension of cooperation in the area of the improvement of gender equality at the labor market.

It was discussed at the meeting about possible activities which would point to the harmfulness of the unequal treatment of women older than 45 at the labor market and employment for the economy and society. Great number of women in this age is experiencing discrimination in the form of transferring to less paid working positions or job cancellation, due to the employers prejudices that they are no longer able to efficiently do their job, because of their age, said Commissioner Jankovic and stressed that this problem should be made more visible to the relevant authorities. By joint actions, we can elevate the importance of resolving this problem to a higher level and speed up the adoption of measures for the improvement of equality of this sensitive social group, concluded Commissioner.

The data presented by the representatives of the association Women at the milestone and SeCons at the conference dedicated to gender inequality in the area of employment, that was held in November last year with participation of Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, reveal that women older than 45 are more exposed to the risk of job cancellation than men of the same age, which is why it is crucial to intensify activities aimed to improve their employment.

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