
Commissioner at the Anti-Semitism Conference in Munich

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic attended Second International Meeting of Special Envoys and Coordinators combating anti-Semitism in Munich, which was opened by World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder. World Jewish Congress President warned that we are lately witnessing incidents which were not evidenced in the previous two generations. He presented worrying data that…

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Commissioner signed Memorandum on Cooperation with OPENS

Commissioner for Protection of Equality BrankicaJankovic and coordinator of association “Novi Sad European Youth Capital – OPENS” VukasinGrozdanovic signed a Memorandum on Cooperation in advance to international youth conference which will be held on 28 November, as a part of joint activities aimed to improve position of youth. “We have to keep doors of institutions…

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Meeting of Commissioner and UN Women Regional Director

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic had a meeting with UN Women Regional Director Alia El-Yassir and Acting Coordinator of UN Women in Serbia Natalija Ostojic. Jankovic presented to El-Yassir the work of institution in the area of gender equality, as well as ongoing strategic litigations, initiatives for amending of laws and project activities,…

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Statement on the occasion of International Day of Girl Child

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic congratulates 11 October, International Day of Girl Child, which is marked with aim to emphasize the right of girls to equality. Commissioner stressed that gender role stereotypes affect both girls and boys during their childhood, from their appearance or choice of sport to preferred high school, which reflects…

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Different generations, although completely different at first glance, have more mutual understanding and are willing to help one another, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic at the opening of the conference on the occasion of the completion of the project “Improving Intergenerational Dialogue” conducted by the Center for Support and Inclusion ” Help…

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Мeeting of Brankica Jankovic with OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic spoke with Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Thomas Greminger about the many years of very good and continuous cooperation that the Commissioner has with the OSCE. Jankovic briefed Greminger on the activities undertaken by the institution in the field of protection and…

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Jankovic and Vranes discussed the impact of AI on equality

Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic spoke with Sanja Vranes, Director of the Mihajlo Pupin Institute, a leading research institution in the field of information and communication technologies. The main topic of the meeting was the impact of the widespread use of artificial intelligence in the labor market, primarily on equality and equal treatment…

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It is necessary that employers respect workers’ rights and provide equal treatment for all employees, while reduction and suppression of discrimination in the area or work and employment is a common goal for Commissioner for Protection of Equality and trade unions, said Commissioner Brankica Jankovic at the opening of the session of Main Board of…

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It is essential to continue improving LGBT rights

There are evident improvements made during the previous years related to the position of LGBT population, but they are still facing great social distance and misunderstanding, while being targeted with patronizing and belittling speech in some media, said Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic in advance of Pride Parade. She said that she expects…

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Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic sent an Initiative for determining names and marking streets, squares and buildings in Belgrade to the Belgrade City Assembly, suggesting that more streets should be named by outstanding women from our society. Equality of women and men is one of the fundamental human rights and basic values of…

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