No. 021-01-276/2020-02

date: April 3, 2020

Acting within the legally prescribed competence[1]  to monitor the implementation of laws concerning the prohibition of discrimination and recommend measures to public authorities and other persons to achieve equality, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality refers to local self-government units the following




The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality recommends to the local self-government unit:


  • to provide regular home assistance services to all users who have exercised this right before the declaration of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Serbia;


  • to simplify and speed up the procedures for providing the home assistance service during the state of emergency, i.e. to adapt the procedures to the new circumstances and measures introduced to prevent the spread of the infectious disease COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so that this service is available to all persons on the territory of the local self-government unit who need it, and who due to age, chronic illness, disability, etc. cannot meet the basic life needs,


  • to take measures within its competence in order to provide the necessary permits for the movement of persons providing home assistance services.


In accordance with the law, no appeal or any other legal remedy is allowed against this recommendation of measures for achieving equality.

[1] Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 22/09), Article 33, paragraph 1, items 7 and 9



Brankica Janković

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