Commissioner for the Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic participated in the 5th regional conference “Digital”, dedicated to the latest telecommunication and media trends and organized by Color Media Communications.
There is no future without digitalization, which is an imperative for achieving of general progress, estimates Commissioner Jankovic and stresses that we must not become alienated and dehumanized in this process. Digitalization is important for all institutions, including Commissioner for the Protection of Equality. Growing number of citizens use digital platforms to promote and combat for their rights, said Commissioner.
During two conference days, consisted of panels, several case studies and presentations, experts from various areas speak about trends in telecommunications, media and technology, about revolutions on social networks, marketing and media scene, but also about potential dangers of accelerated digitalization.
Speakers at the conference opening were Vladan Vukosavljevic, Minister of Culture, Denis Keefe, UK Ambassador in Serbia, Tatjana Matic from the Ministry of Trade and Telecommunications, while conference organizer Robert Coban gave the introductory speech.