Complaint filed by I.J. against lawyer R.T. because of discrimination on grounds of family status in area of work and employment

Opinion was issued in proceeding upon complaint filed by I.J. from B. against lawyer R.T. from B. because of discrimination when applying for professional practice and specialization. Complainant stated that, during the phone interview for the professional practice, lawyer R.T. asked her about her family status, where and with whom she was living, whether she has a brother or a sister, is he/she employed, is he/she older or younger than her. In her statement, lawyer R.T. stated that she could not remember the phone conversation with the complainant, nor that she had the complainant’s phone number recorded as one of the applicants and even if she had a conversation with complainant she definitely wouldn’t mention “brother, sister and similar content”. During the proceeding, it was determined that lawyer R.T. was engaged in the recruitment process of candidates for professional practice and specialization within the National Employment Service program and that she had phone conversation with complainant, but it was not determined that she had asked question related to her family status. Therefore, the opinion was issued stating that it was not determined that lawyer R.T. committed act of discrimination toward I.J. on grounds of her family status.


Commissioner for the Protection of Equality

Brankica Janković

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