When we talk about the situation of migrants and refugees, we should have a much more humane approach – to speak about these people and the challenges they face with much more empathy and understanding. Although they come from different backgrounds and cultures and speak other languages, we must not forget that they are all human beings, and each of them is a story for themselves. Only with such approach can we do much more to solve their problems because we see from practice that the previous bureaucratic-financial models did not significantly improve their position, said Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, at the event “University talks with KAICIID: Migration in the Western Balkans – interreligious and intercultural dialogue for an inclusive region”.
The Commissioner’s presentation was in the introductory part of the event organized by the International Center for Dialogue – KAICIID in partnership with the Faculty of Geography of the University of Belgrade.
Presenting the current practice of the Commissioner’s institution, the Commissioner singled out the new project MILAGRO, which we are implementing together with colleagues from Italy, the Netherlands, and our University Library “Svetozar Marković”, whose goal is to initiate activities, create tools and opportunities for building an intercultural dialogue between the local population and migrants, as well as the development of competencies for positive and long-lasting relationships, based on mutual understanding, respect, and solidarity.
Eminent experts in migration policy and interreligious dialogue, including representatives of the Council of Europe, the University of Belgrade, and KAICIID, highlighted what they consider to be key for successful social and economic inclusion and how cities and local governments can use migrants’ economic and social potential. They also presented their views on current strategies and proposals for shaping future inclusive policies.