Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, officially opened a three-day Mixer Festival, which is this year being held under the symbolic slogan “The Hug”. She said that the previous year has put us all to the test at a global level. A year in which we missed many things, but we mostly longed for a hug that provides comfort, warmth and love.

The Mixer Festival brought us together and invited experts in various fields, artists, activists, decision makers, media, representatives of the private sector and international organizations, who gathered with a common task – to create and accelerate global recovery after a pandemic, said Commissioner.

She also participated in the panel “Best Years”, where she spoke about the importance of the digitalization process, but also the denial of Internet access and the low level of digital skills among the elderly. The digital divide has shown, and will continue to show, as a risk factor for discrimination, if the process of digital literacy of older people is not taken seriously, said Commissioner, emphasizing that she believes in creativity and the will to reduce the gap.

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