The attitude towards vulnerable groups reflects the achieved level of respect for human rights and progress of every society, said the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, at the Central Celebration “For Life without Barriers”, which was organized by Hendi Center Koloseum.
She reminded that for years now, disability has been among the most frequent grounds of discrimination in complaints that citizens submit to the Commissioner, primarily in areas of providing services or using public spaces, labor and employment, which is why it is necessary to continue working on their integration into all spheres of society.
December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, is marked in Serbia with a series of events, including “For Life without Barriers”, with this year’s program consisted of plays and individuals – persons with disabilities who are professionally or semi-professionally engaged in singing, acting, poetry and dancing. Some of the guests, among whom there were eminent artists, also performed their acts.