Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, as the central state institution whose mandate is to promote equality in all social relations and to protect all social groups against discrimination established the ANNUAL AWARD FOR MUNICIPALITY / CITY OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES for all local self-governments in Serbia, with aim to promote and strengthen equality in all areas and create better and equal living conditions for all citizens in local communities.
The winner will be announced at a conference which is to be held in December, on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day. The award will be awarded every year, and the laureate will receive a prize, a special Logo of Equality that will be used until the next winner’s election and will be promoted as an example of best practice in our country and Europe through the European Network of Equality Bodies – EQUINET. Information about the conditions of the competition can be found here.
The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, invites all municipalities and cities to run for candidacy and contribute to an even more intensive development of our society on the basis of tolerance, equality and respect for the human rights of all our citizens.