In the procedure carried out following a complaint by the Faculty of Law of the Union University in Belgrade (FLUUB) against the Belgrade Bar Chamber (BBC) due to the discrimination of law graduates who completed their studies at this Faculty regarding registration in the Directory of legal trainees and legal trainees-volunteers of the BBC, the Commissioner issued the opinion that the Belgrade Bar Chamber violated the provisions of Articles 6, 16 and 19, paragraph 3 of the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality recommended to this Chamber that immediately after receiving this opinion, i.e. as soon as possible, decide on the already submitted requests of persons who obtained the title of graduate lawyer at the FLUUB, for registration in the Directory of legal trainees and legal trainees-volunteers of the BBC, in the same way it acts upon the requests of persons who obtained the title of graduate lawyer at law faculties founded by the Republic of Serbia; that in the future it resolves the requests of persons who have obtained the title of graduate lawyer at FLUUB in a non-discriminatory manner, i.e. acts equally regarding applicants’ requests, regardless of whether they received their diploma at FLUUB or at a law faculty founded by the Republic of Serbia, as long as the requirements regarding appropriate accreditation and work permits for the law study program are met at these faculties in accordance with the law and by-laws regulating the field of higher education; to inform the Bar Chamber of Serbia with the opinion of the Commissioner, as well as to comply with the regulations on the prohibition of discrimination in the future.

Given that the Belgrade Bar Chamber did not act on the recommendation even after the warning within the legal term of 30 days, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, following the Law, informes the public about it.

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