The OSCE High Commissioner for National Minorities, Kairat Abdrahmanov, visited the institution of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, where he met Commissioner Brankica Janković, with whom he discussed the state of realization and protection of the rights of national minorities in Serbia and the activities that the Commissioner carries out in that field.

In the conversation, Janković stated that the implementation of the second cycle of training for representatives of all national councils of national minorities in Serbia is underway to strengthen their capacities for recognition and protection against discrimination, which the institution of the Commissioner is implementing in cooperation with the OSCE Mission in Serbia. She pointed out that the councils of national minorities are important partners in the prevention of discrimination, with whom the institution of the Commissioner has good cooperation, as well as that she will soon finish her tour of all national councils, with whom she discusses possible problems in the field of equality protection. Janković stated that, besides handling complaints, the Commissioner also implements other activities, such as education for all social actors, tours of Roma settlements, cooperation with the media, publication of manuals, and organization of expert meetings.

In her conversation with Abdrahmanov, Janković mentioned that research is underway on the perceptions of Roma men and women regarding discrimination to understand the Roma community’s position in different areas from their perspective. The research results will be presented at a conference that the Commissioner will organize in September, the main theme of which will be education as the key to overcoming exclusion and poverty.

High Commissioner Abdrahmanov expressed his support for Commissioner Janković’s work and emphasized the importance of the Commissioner’s commitment to improving the position of national minorities and combating all forms of discrimination.

Abdrahmanov and Janković pointed out that continuity and commitment are important for promoting equality in all fields and that independent equality institutions have a special role in realizing and protecting the human rights of all citizens.

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