Commissioner with representatives of the national councils of the Bosniak, Ashkali, and Gorani national minorities

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, visited the national councils of the Bosniak, Ashkali, and Gorani national minorities in Novi Pazar, where she discussed with the council representatives the realization and problems in realizing these national minorities’ right to equality, as well as the available ways to prevent and combat discrimination.

It was established that equality in education, culture, and information in the mother tongue is very important for improving the position of members of national minorities and their active participation in social and economic life.

The representatives of the national councils welcomed the measures and activities implemented by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality to improve the position of national minorities. They highlighted the readiness for additional training to strengthen the councils’ capacity to improve equality, as well as their desire for more frequent meetings and more intensive cooperation.

The visit to Novi Pazar was realized as part of the plan to visit all national councils of national minorities this year.

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