The Commissioner visited the national councils of the Montenegrin, Ukrainian, and Ruthenian national minorities

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković, held constructive meetings with representatives of the national councils of the Montenegrin, Ukrainian, and Ruthenian national minorities.

The visits to the national councils in Vrbas, Kula, and Ruski Krstur were an opportunity to talk about problems and potential cases of discrimination against citizens who are members of the Montenegrin, Ukrainian, and Ruthenian national minorities, as well as challenges in the field of education and preservation of the mother tongue, among other things regarding the provision of textbooks and the organization of classes in minority languages, in the fields of information and culture, but also regarding the achievement of quality translation in proceedings before local authorities.

The Commissioner pointed out that young people’s education and prevention are the most important means of combating discrimination and promoting equality in all domains. The values ​​of tolerance, mutual respect, and appreciation of diversity are characteristics to be proud of.

The representatives of the national councils welcomed the measures and activities that the Commissioner and her team are implementing with the aim of improving the position and achieving active participation of members of national minorities in social and economic life. The need to strengthen the professional services of the councils was recognized, and the readiness for additional training to increase their capacities in improving equality was highlighted.

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