Commissioner opened European Youth Parliament Serbia Conference

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic, opened the 12th National Conference of the European Youth Parliament Serbia, which is held this year under her patronage.

“Young people are the bearers of change and it is very important for them to learn about human rights, the way in which the political system operates, to recognize their power and that much depends on them. Our task is to prepare and empower them to explore new horizons, move borders and perspectives and become innovators of change in their social environment. Only in this way can they create a better and more equal world for future generations. That’s why we pay great attention to the young and we often boast that we have our young advisors – Discrimination Busters, who are promoters of tolerance in their schools, families and societies – said Commissioner Brankica Jankovic.

The National Conference of the European Youth Parliament Serbia is taking place in Belgrade, from July 10th to 15th. It has a total of app. 200 university and high school students from all over Serbia and Europe, including their peer educators who are also students. The motto of this year’s conference is “Start Anywhere”, and high school students will primarily deal with human rights issues. Young people will have the opportunity to learn about the peer experiences from different countries of Europe, as well as to break up stereotypes and develop friendships that overcome national boundaries.

The participants of the Conference were also addressed by the Secretary General of the European Movement in Serbia, Suzana Grubjesic, as well as the Executive Director of the Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Sonja Toskovic.

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