Commissioner discussed human rights with the Prime Minsters of Norway and Serbia

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg is paying an official visit to Belgrade, where she spoke with the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Jankovic.

At a gathering at the Human Rights House, attended by Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić, Commissioner Jankovic expressed her gratitude to Prime Minister Solberg on her arrival in Serbia, as well as on the continued and significant assistance of the Kingdom of Norway to the Republic of Serbia, including projects implemented by the Commissioner’s Institution protection of equality. As Jankovic stated, these projects refer to the improvement of the equality of citizens at the local level, which is one of the main priorities.

Protecting citizens from discrimination but also protecting all other rights, especially socio-economic, in the labor market, requires enormous dedication and knowledge, involves a constant exchange of experiences and good practices, mutual support, which is why this visit is additionally welcome. In times full of challenges, it is not easy to get adequate solutions and fight discrimination at the labor market, which is one of the hindering factors of social development, but this is one of the key priorities, with the joint efforts of all and in cooperation with the Government, said Commissioner Jankovic.

Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg said that every state has responsibility for enforcing the rights of its citizens, especially in the field of labor. In Norway, the models of inclusive strategies are developed, and it is divided between workers, employers and the government.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic thanked for the visit and said that the human rights area  is extremely important for Serbia, but also that it is a field where progress should be made on the path to the EU. The government is striving

to improve the legal framework for the rule of human rights, but implementation is on all segments of society, and that this is something that is done intensively.

Prime Ministers of Norway and Serbia, Solberg and Brnabic, together with Commissioner Jankovic, walked along Knez Mihailova Street and visited the reconstructed National Museum.

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