Commissioner Janković met with Bosnia and Herzegovina Ombudsman Ljubinko Mitrović

Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Brankica Janković met with Ombudsman Ljubinko Mitrović from the Institution of the Ombudsmen for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both parties stressed the importance of exchanging experiences and good practices geared towards promoting equality and human rights. They also discussed pending cases before both institutions.

This working meeting was organized as part of efforts aimed at strengthening and continuing regional cooperation, in advance of the Conference that will be held in Zagreb, on 30 October 2017. All regional equality bodies which have signed the Belgrade Statement  on Cooperation on 16 November 2016 on the occasion of the International Day of Tolerance, will attend. The Belgrade Statement on Cooperation laid foundations for joint action and networking of regional bodies aimed at suppressing discrimination, strengthening equality and respecting human rights of citizens of countries in the South-east Europe.

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