Press release following the meeting with Minister Ana Brnabić

Brankica Janković, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality met with Ana Brnabić, Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-government to talk about next steps in the cooperation between the two institutions.

The main topics included future joint activities related to the training of civil servants and those working in local self-government units regarding implementation of anti-discrimination regulations as well as the current practice and policies in this area.

The Commissioner and the Minister agreed that anti-discrimination legislation should be part of the curriculum for the mandatory civil service exam taken by all civil servants as well as a module in the syllabus of the future State Administration Academy.

In addition, the two officials agreed a joint distribution to all local self-governments of the Handbook on Detecting Discrimination in Procedures before Public Authorities intended for all representatives of state authorities, provincial authorities and local authorities, but also for employees working in publicly-owned enterprises, institutions, public agencies and other organizations with jurisdiction in the public domain.

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