No. 07-00-65/2015-02

No. 07-00-65/2015-02 date: 17 June 2015




The opinion was issued in the procedure following a complaint filed by М. R. from S on behalf of minor son D. R, a person with disability, against Special Hospital “S”. In the complaint was stated that D. R. stayed in this hospital in the period between 25 and 29 December 2014, but that he did not have access to the premises inside the hospital (exercise space, rooms, swimming pool) and elevator, with which D. R. was discriminated against on the grounds of disability. In the complaint was stated that an access and entry to most rooms inside the facility was accessible for persons with disabilities. In the course of the procedure was determined that Special Hospital “S” was not accessible for persons with disabilities and that D. R, during this stay in this hospital, was not able to access premises inside the hospital – swimming pool, elevator and the room he stayed in. It was also determined that Special Hospital “S.” takes certain measures to enable the unobstructed used of the hospital premises in which different services are provided to persons with disabilities. The Commissioner for the Protection of Equality issued an opinion that Special Hospital “S.” committed an act of discrimination by failing to provide adequate access to all the premises in the facility and the undisturbed use of all services by persons with disabilities. A recommendation was issued to Special Hospital “S.” to take all the necessary measures in order to carry out works and ensure adequate access to all the premises in which common facilities are located and services provided, in order to enable for persons with disabilities the equal use of the services in this hospital.




Brankica Janković
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